Homo Simulacrum are humans of the modern age on Cornucopia. Homo Sapiens rejected their flesh bodies and began to strip themselves of soft tissue, switching it for cold hard metals, allowing them to expand their lifetime, treat themselves of their disabilities and eliminate their bodily needs. Through evolution, they managed to produce metals which are able to grow in a similar fashion like flesh.
Procreation is done via Artificial Insemination within laboratories. During the process, all predeveloped Homo Simulacrum go through the entire process of Ad Machina Simuli, where metals and Simuli Fluids are injected into the clumps of cells, which are then transfigured - growing a metal body instead of a flesh body.
Despite machine bodies, brains of Homo Simulacrum are not too different from original flesh brains. However they are more durable, surrounded by Simuli Fluid which is quite different from Cerebrospinal Fluid.


Homo Piscis Simulacrum are abnormal Homo Simulacrum who recieved additional Simuli Fluid during the predeveloped stage, which is mixed on top with additional DNA strands. This technique is not available as an option to the general public and is a private expertise of North Side Aequoris, who primarily use DNA of deep sea and ocean creatures. NSA uses Homo Piscis Simulacrum only for Hadean Division 5-7-a because they are meant for entering the Hollow.